Astral Collection lighting objects
object design project
project: Candida Tabet + Studio Papaya
images: Studio Papaya
photography: Raphael Briest
year: 2018
The Astral Collection project came from the idea of architect Candida Tabet, who had been mining and collecting glass and opaline domes to develop luminous pieces from the stacking of these antiques, in order to create unique pieces, with a contemporary language.
We were responsible, together with the architect herself, for creating 9 pieces, under the same premise. The aesthetic design, technical solution, production and monitoring were the steps we were tasked with coordinating. Together with the company Marcoluz, responsible for assembly, and with the consultancy of Guinter Parschalk, over a period of 1 year these luminous pieces were carefully thought out and rethought, until they achieved the desired result.
The Astral Collection was launched during the SParte 2018 fair, by the Firmacasa store.